Publishing to Apple Store
Journey to publish on the apple store
Journey to publish on the apple store
Assuming that you have created your Apple developer account. If not, then check from here.
Delete the Agora Folder.
Delete the screencast folder from the JMRSDK.
Goto Unity > Build Settings > Set the orientation to Landscape left.
In Build settings > Other settings > Identification > Enable Automatically Sign
In Microphone Usage Description > Write "Required"
Set the Target device to "iPhone only"
Build the project for iOS in Unity Build Settings
Open the project in the XCode.
Select the data folder under the project tab, there you will get multiple checkboxes for target membership. Select Unity-iPhone and UnityFramework
Select Unity-iPhone, there you will get the Build Settings, and set the "Enable Bitcode" to no.
Add push notification from the signing and bundle, while selecting the Unity-iPhone.
Select the team signing from the signing and bundle, after selecting the "All" tab.
Create a build from Product > Build or use the Command + 'B' shortcut.
If the build fails, refer to FAQs
Create an Archive after your build is created from Product > Archive
Then go to Window > Organizer, select your build and choose Distribute App
If your build fails in distribution, you will receive a mail with the reason for failure.
Now You must perform deep linking before proceeding with the build.
Goto App Store Connect. Select My Apps.
Refer to for publishing your application in iOS App Store.
Once your archive is generated.
Select App Store Connect.
Select Export
Proceed to generate the IPA file.