FAQs - iOS


Mono Screen

The application is rendered in mono-screen instead of split screen

  1. Make sure to have an instance of JMRAnalyticsManager present at all times.

  2. Make sure to select the device type as "JioDive / Cardboard" only.

Upgrade Guide

Check if the JMRSDK core was imported correctly; if it is shown that some file is new (other than AgoraEngine and ScreenCast) when trying to import again that means the SDK Core has to be imported again.

Build Failed

The application is failing to build

Goto Project Settings > Player > Microphone usage description > Make sure the "description" is not empty.


Build failed

Due to Pods

If in the application project directory, there exists PodFile as shown. Follow the steps below.

  1. Open a terminal in the project directory.

  2. Write the command pod install in the terminal and let it run until the command is completed

  3. Run the newly created file Unity-iPhone.workspace instead and proceed normally.

Due to Third-Party Packages

Make sure to update your third-party packages (eg. Photon). If you still get errors please refer to third-party package iOS documentation or contact them.

Last updated