JioDive Device State

To detect if a person is wearing JioDive or not, JMRSDK provides a method, that works on the principle that there is slight motion when JioDive is worn by a person.

To use this function call this method:


Then subscribe to action callbacks to receive the response:

JMRTrackerManager.IdleDive += IdleDive;
JMRTrackerManager.UsingDive += UsingDive;

This function will keep running the callbacks for 5 seconds every frame.

Example Code

using JMRSDK.InputModule;
using UnityEngine;

public class JMRDemoInteractionExample : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        JMRTrackerManager.IdleDive += IdleDive;
        JMRTrackerManager.UsingDive += UsingDive;
    void IdleDive()
        Debug.Log("Idle State");
    void UsingDive()
        Debug.Log("Used State");

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