Battery percentage update

public void OnBatteryUpdate(JMRInteractionManager.InteractionDeviceType deviceType, int index, int percentage)



Type of device connected


Index of connected device


Percentage of Battery

To get notified when the battery percentage is updated need to implement the callback method exposed through InteractionManager:

OnBatteryUpdate(JMRInteractionManager.InteractionDeviceType deviceType, int index, int percentage)

Action will be called only when itโ€™s subscribed to a method. Action must be subscribed to a method with a matching signature.

using JMRSDK.InputModule;
using UnityEngine;

public class JMRInteractionExample : MonoBehaviour
    private void OnEnable()
        JMRInteractionManager.OnBatteryUpdate += OnBatteryUpdate;
    private void OnDisable()
        JMRInteractionManager.OnBatteryUpdate -= OnBatteryUpdate;
    private void OnBatteryUpdate(JMRInteractionManager.InteractionDeviceType devType, int index, int percentage)
        //do something when battery updated
        JMRInteractionManager.InteractionDeviceType deviceType= devType;
        int deviceIndex=index;
        int batteryPercentage=percentage;

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