Performance Optimization

IL2CPP Scripting Backend Support

All JMRSDK APIs are now compatible with IL2CPP Backend. With this type of compilation, in which Unity compiles code specifically for a target platform when it builds the native binary, is called ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation. The Mono compiles code at runtime, with a technique called just-in-time compilation (JIT). Also, with IL2CPP you will also be able to latest arm64 architecture for the best performance of your application. You can apply this configuration in the Project Setting section of your Unity Editor.

Recommended Settings for Scripting Backend Configration

IL2CPP and ARM64 have a memory crash on some Unity Release. Use this Issue Tracker to track the supported versions.

Issue is Fixed on

2018.4.30+ 2019.4.15+ 2020.1.14+ 2020.2.0b12+ 2021.1.0a4+ Recommended Version: 2019.4.40f1

IL2CPP increases build times by 2X-5X. You can use Mono for faster development and IL2CPP for final optimized releases.

OpenGLES3 Support

OpenGLES3 Graphics API is supported and should be placed above OpenGLES2 for preference.

Reccomended Settings for Grapics APIs Settings

Multithreading Support

JMRSDK APIs are now threadsafe and compatible with Unity Multi-threading Rendering Settings (Except Camera and Mediaplayer)

Recommended Settings

Apps using Camera and Mediaplayer provided in JMRSDK need to disable multithreading rendering settings.

Last updated