Signing your App

How to sign an APK

To sign an APK for publishing please follow the following steps:

1. Go to the Player Settings. You can go there via Edit > Project Settings > Player

Always set your version to new updated version while updating your app.

2. Go to Publishing Settings and Select Keystore Manager.

3. Select Keystore > Create New > In Dedicated Location to generate a new Keystore.

4. Select a location to store the Keystore and click Save.

5. Enter a password for your Keystore. Password must be at least 6 characters long.

Note: Make sure to remember the password. Do not lose this password.

6. Enter your Alias, Password, Validity (Keep it 50 years), First and Last Name, Organizational Unity, Organization, City, State, and Country Code.

Note: Make sure to remember the password. Do not lose this password.

7. Click on Add Key.

8. Select Yes.

9. Your APK is now signed. You can verify your alias here.

Always Increase your version on every consecutive build and increase your version code on every consecutive release on the App Store.

10. Increase your Version and Bundle Version Code on every consecutive build and consecutive release on the App Store.

Last updated