Source Buttons

Select Action

bool JMRInteraction.GetSelect();

Returns true during the frame the user completes a single click of the Select Button. You need to call this function from the Update function since the state gets reset for each frame. It will not return true until the user releases this key and presses it again.

using UnityEngine;
using JMRSDK.InputModule;
public class JMRDemoSelectExample : MonoBehaviour
     public void Update()
          bool isSelected = JMRInteraction.GetSelect();

Source Button Down

bool JMRInteraction.GetSourceDown(JMRSDK.InputModule.JMRInteractionSourceInfo);

Returns true during the frames the user was pressing the source button, defined as the argument of type JMRSDK.InputModule.JMRInteractionSourceInfo. You need to call this function from the Update function. It keeps returning true as long as the user has this button pressed down.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using JMRSDK.InputModule;
using JMRSDK;
public class JMRDemoSourceDownExample : MonoBehaviour
     public void Update()
          bool isSourceDown= JMRInteraction.GetSourceDown(JMRSDK.InputModule.JMRInteractionSourceInfo.Select);

Source Button Up

bool JMRInteraction.GetSourceUp(JMRSDK.InputModule.JMRInteractionSourceInfo);

Returns true during the frames the user was not pressing the source button, defined as the argument of type JMRSDK.InputModule.JMRInteractionSourceInfo. You need to call this function from the Update function. It keeps returning true as long as the user has this button in the released state.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using JMRSDK.InputModule;
using JMRSDK;
public class JMRDemoSourceUpExample : MonoBehaviour
     public void Update()
          bool isSourceUp= JMRInteraction.GetSourceUp(JMRSDK.InputModule.JMRInteractionSourceInfo.Select);