Setting Up Your Project With URP

This feature is only available from JMRSDK 4.24.1 onwards

  • Import the JMRSDK_URP.unitypackage

  • Install URP in your project using the following steps - Window -> Package Manager -> Universal RP

  • Upgrade materials in the current project to URP materials using the following steps - Navigate to Edit -> Render Pipeline -> Universal Render Pipeline -> Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materials

  • Create UniversalRenderPipeline Asset Right Click in the Asset Folder then Create -> Rendering -> Universal Render Pipeline -> Pipeline Asset (Forward Renderer)

  • Assign the pipeline asset you have created to the graphic settings. Edit -> Project Settings -> Graphics

  • Add BlitMaterialFetch script to the Left and Right Camera in JMRMixedReality prefab under JMRRig -> JMRRenderer -> Head. This script will be in the JMRSDK_URP_Extension folder which you will get after installing the JMRSDK_URP package.

  • Add the custom render features, CustomBlitFeature_L & CustomBlitFeature_R to your pipeline asset renderer. In this case, we have UniversalRenderPipelineAsset_Renderer.

  • Replace the Standard shader in JMRSDK>Core>Resources>Shader with the one from JMRSDK_URP_Extension folder.