Setting Up A Jio Mixed Reality Project in Unity

This section will help you set up a Project so that you can start developing applications using JMRSDK. You will need Unity Game Engine and the latest version of the JMRSDK package.

Importing the SDK

  • Download any supported version of Unity. During installation, ensure that Android Build Support is selected as your target platform.

  • Open Unity and create a new Project.

  • Use the latest version of Jio Mixed Reality SDK (JMRSDK).

  • Navigate to Assets -> Import-Package -> Custom Package, as shown below.

  • Navigate to the folder where you have stored the SDK package and select the JMRSDK-Core package.

  • Once the Import Unity Package dialogue opens, select All at the bottom and then select Import.

  • After the import process, a new folder will be created under Assets named JMRSDK.

Setting up your Jio Mixed Reality Scene

If creating a new scene, ensure that no Camera component is present. Remove the Main Camera (if any) from your scene.

After you have imported JMRSDK, you will see a new JioMixedReality menu on the top menu bar. Click on it and then click on Configure scene for JioMixedReality, as shown below.

  • You should now see a JMRMixedReality object in your scene as shown in the image below.

  • Your scene is now ready to be used with JMRSDK. To test this, let’s add a cube to the scene.

    1. Go to GameObject -> 3D Object -> Cube

    2. Set the position of this Cube to (0, 0, 5).

  • You can now follow the instructions in the Publishing section to build your first application for your Target Device.

  • Once you run the application on JioGlass, you will notice the Cube floating somewhere around you. (You might have to look around to find it! OR you can long-press the Home Button to Recenter the screen which will bring the Cube in front of you). Have a look at the controller interactions to get an idea of how to use the JioGlass controller.

Setting up System UI configuration

Mandatory: Configure System UI in all applications before building your app.

From Menu, select

JioMixedReality > SystemUI > UpdateSortingLayer

Last updated