Building to Target Device

Steps to follow before every build

In this section, we will look at the steps to build your application for JioGlass.

Configuring your Project for the build device

To build for:

1. JioGlass Lite - Configure for Lite

2. JioPrism (Holoboard) - Configure for Holoboard

3. JioDive - Configure for Cardboard

  • Ex: For Lite Navigate JioMixedReality -> Manifest -> Configure for LITE as shown below

  • Ignore any debug errors if present. You will get a debug log saying Manifest status as completed when the process completes successfully.

  • Your project is now set up to build Applications for JioGlass Lite Ecosystem.

Adding Category Tag In AndroidManifest

  • Find the value corresponding to your application category from the table below -












Health and Wellness






  • Edit the "android:value" parameter in the following line in your AndroidManifest to reflect your JioGlass Lite Application in the right category. Ensure that you use the same category as used in Developer Console while creating your application listing

Example for Gaming category application. app.
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="1" />

Setting up Unity for Target Device

  • Go to File -> Build Settings to open the Build Settings dialogue box.

  • In Platform under Build Settings, Choose Android and click on Switch Platform if not done already as the destination platform.

  • Ensure your scene(s) are added to the Scenes in the Build section. If not, then open your current scene(s) in the unity editor and click on Add Open Scenes under build settings. You can also drag and drop your scene into the build settings window.

  • Click on Player Settings to configure the player settings for your target device.

Player Settings

Ensure that your Target Device and the Development System are configured to build for Android.

Configure the Player Settings as shown below for Android Device

  • Under the Resolution and Presentation tab, set the Default Orientation to Landscape Left.

  • Under the Other Settings tab, set the Graphics APIs to OpenGLES3 and/or OpenGLES2, and remove all others.

  • Under the Other Settings tab, deselect the Multithreaded Rendering, if you are using Camera or Mediaplayer.

  • Under the Other Settings tab, set the Minimum API Level to Android 8.0 (API Level 26) or above and Target API Level to anything above Android 8.0.

Apply Performance optimization steps for building with the application on the latest arm64 architecture and get the best performance for your application

  • Plugin your Target Android device into your Development System.

  • Build the Application.

Last updated