iOS Deep linking

  1. Deep linking is necessary to access applications from the JioVerse Store within the JioImmerse iOS application.

  2. After providing the deep link, the application becomes accessible from the JioVerse Store within the JioImmerse application.

  3. Once the user installs the application from the JioVerse Store, it will appear in the list of installed applications within the JioImmerse application.

  4. The user can then access the installed application from within the JioImmerse application.

Prerequisite: Publish the application on Appstore / Test Flight

Step Xcode I and Xcode II need to be done with every build.

Firebase I


Add a project

Enter application name

Create Project

Goto iOS

Create your application

Enter Apple bundle ID, App name, and App store ID (Mandatory to enter all fields)

Get the App Store ID by going into your application, when uploaded on Test Flight in App Store Connect > App information > Apple ID

Get the Team ID for Generating GoogleService-info.plist in next step

Download the GoogleService-Info.plist

Xcode I

Add the above downloaded GoogleService-Info.plist in Unity-iPhone root folder

Select add framework button to add the firebase sdk

Click on "Add Other.." dropdown

Select "Add Package Dependency.."

When prompted, add the Firebase Apple platforms SDK repository:

Choose the Firebase library > FirebaseDynamicLinks

Firebase II

Goto Engage > Dynamic Links

Create a dynamic link page with the URL ending with

Keep your dynamic link page handy. It will be required in step Xcode II.

Create a new Dynamic Link

In Deep Link URL; enter your application URL

Define the link behavior for Apple to Open the deep link in your Apple app.

Select your application in the dropdown

Create the deep link.

Now you need to associate your generated page to Xcode as sown in Xcode II.

Xcode II

Unity iPhone > Signing & Capabilities > All > +Add Capacity > Associated Domains:

  1. webcredentials:pagelink

  2. applinks:pagelink

  3. activitycontinuation:pagelink

In the above Associated Domains replace pagelink with dynamic link page generated in step Firebase II.

Goto Unity-iPhone > Info > URL Types > URL Schemes and clear it.

Now create another build of your application and publish it to the App Store

Your deep link is the URL that you get in Firebase. It should be in this format.

To check if your deep link is working properly. Then enter your application deep link in your browser.

Check 1 -

When your application is not installed. The browser should be redirected to the app store.

Check 2 -

When your application is installed with your application containing associated domains capability. The browser should open the application.

Last updated