Gaze and Click

How to Implement Gaze and Click Interaction

Select the Pointer source and Gaze mode from the editor inside the input manager.

Drag and drop JMRGazeInteractable.cs to use the default Gaze and Click features. For example, 3d objects,2d objects, UI elements, etc.; for more information, refer to the Example scene.

JMRGazeAndDwellInteraction script has been renamed to JMRGazeInteraction as it now functions with gaze and dwell with gaze and click as well.

Therefore all applications using gaze and dwell before JMRSDK 4.30 will get missing component error in unity and will have to replace that component with JMRGazeInteraction.

IScreenTouchHandler detects when the screen is being touched.

To add custom behavior to dwell extent IScreenTouchHandler Interface

  • OnScreenTouchBegan
  • OnScreenTouchEnded
  • OnScreenTouchClick

Last updated